Reem Almasri is currently a member of the Crítica team, the managing partner of the Global Network for Social Justice and Digital Resilience, where she oversees external and internal communications. Before joining Crítica, Reem worked as a journalist for over ten years at the Jordan-based magazine, 7iber, where she is currently a partner. During her tenure at 7iber, Reem established a dedicated section focusing on the digital rights landscape and the political economy of the internet in the MENA region, raising awareness about digital security for journalists and activists.

As a Mozilla Tech and Society fellow in 2022, she collaborated with the Febrayer Network to develop their digital strategy and a curriculum introducing internet infrastructures and their impact on knowledge distribution to journalists from the MENA region. Reem holds an M.A. in “Communication, Culture, and Technology” from Georgetown University. Generally, she dedicates her weekdays to contemplating ethical, just, and empowering technology, and spends her weekends thinking about cultivating olive trees.