Our Mission
Open Technology Fund (OTF) works to advance internet freedom in repressive environments by supporting the research, development, implementation, and maintenance of technologies that counter censorship and combat repressive surveillance to enable all citizens to exercise their fundamental human rights online.
Our Values
OTF believes that everyone has the right to freedom of opinion, expression, and the press, including the right to seek, receive, and impart information without interference through any media – and that the best way to protect these freedoms is to passionately support a free and open internet.
OTF follows the doctrine of open philanthropy and governance, sharing all possible aspects of our work, including what we have learned. The greatest ideas are iterative innovations supported by a healthy Internet freedom ecosystem that shares, uses, and builds openly and collaboratively. We embrace change through experimentation, reflection, and adaptation without fear or failure.
To sustain long-standing positive change, OTF strives to be part of a holistic solution in the fight for global Internet freedom. We work to empower existing networks addressing challenges and focus on strategies that work in situations where scarce resources or intersecting systems of oppression may exist.
The Open Technology Fund is part of a global community working against repressive censorship and surveillance that is made up of individuals from all walks of life who are found in all corners of the world. We recognize the importance and challenge of creating an environment where all voices feel valued, included, and empowered to bring their perspectives to the table in the pursuit of Internet freedom. While we strive to build a fair, open and just society, we expect and anticipate challenges to these principles. We are committed to responding constructively and positively, respecting different needs and circumstances, so everyone can achieve their potential.