Poncelet O. Ileleji is a computer Scientist by Profession with 21 years in the field; he has been involved with the use of ICT as a tool for sustainable development both as a lecturer, researcher and consultant for the Gambia YMCAs, where he is the coordinator of the computer training centre and digital studio.
He has also served as consultant for several projects in Africa covering ICT for D, Learning, Technologies and Education, Internet Governance and Health Informatics. He Is a member of the British Computer Society, and also a fellow of Mirandanet (www.mirandanet.ac.uk) and an active member of the Association for Progressive Communication (APC). He is a founding member of the Information Technology Association of the Gambia and was elected president of the Association in March 2010 is term ended in April 2014 (www.itag.gm). Poncelet’s Fellowship work focused on empowering media practitioners, civil society activist and youths on digital security in the Gambia. His methodology approach centered on a participatory learning capacity building training programs that also looked into all current and past issues on digital security globally, and related it within is own community context.