Natasha Msonza is a digital security trainer and privacy advocate based in Zimbabwe.
She is co-founder of the Digital Society of Zimbabwe, a voluntary network of technologists advocates working to empower Zimbabwean human rights defenders and everyday Internet users to become more resilient and secure in their use of digital tools online and offline. Natasha works primarily at the intersections of gender, information technology and human rights and spends her time managing operations in various technology projects including Mobile Community Zimbabwe and Her Zimbabwe. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Media from MSU and a Master of Science Degree in Human Development Studies from NUST. As a fellow, Natasha will implement a digital security roadmap with five selected Zimbabwean HRD organizations. Among other things, she will undertake individual organizational assessments and based on findings, help establish practical digital security policies and provide requisite technical support. She will also attempt to apply tried and tested behavior change and andragogical strategies to influence retention of secure habits.