The Vietnam Open Internet Project by Viettan aims to evolve their work to promote the use of circumvention and digital security best practices by honing in on citizen journalists in Vietnam, a growing community able to independently document free expression and human rights violations in Vietnam.

This project supports a resource center for circumvention and digital security for the average Vietnamese netizen. the No Firewall online platform to continue to localize new manuals and guides, while promoting existing tools; and a help desk for bloggers, digital activists, citizen journalists, human rights defenders in need of support.

The project’s No Firewall online platform localizes new manuals and guides while promoting existing tools, and also runs a help desk for bloggers, digital activists, citizen journalists, human rights defenders in need of support. Current support focuses on scaling up the capacity of the existing help desk and launching a public awareness campaigns to target Vietnam’s Facebook users – inclusive of aforementioned at-risk users – who are increasingly being targeted by malware and other attacks.