FreeBrowser is an established censorship-circumvention tool that has been supporting huge increases of monthly users in China, Iran, and Turkmenistan over the last few years. It is based on the open source Chromium projects, which are behind the Google Chrome browser and Google ChromeOS.
The tool’s circumvention capabilities are integrated directly within a browser interface, making it an easy-to-use method to bypass censorship and access blocked websites. It also provides a comprehensive browsing experience by offering recommended content on the start page alongside the circumvention technology, enhancing user engagement. Content is curated from various media, including Radio Free Asia, Radio Free Europe, and Voice of America, which are normally blocked in China, Russia, and other information-repressive contexts.
Through the Surge and Sustain Fund, OTF is supporting user-carrying costs associated with the surge in users of this service, ensuring that citizens living in repressive information environments have access to the critical anti-censorship technology.
FreeBrowser is developed and maintained by GreatFire, an anonymous organization based in China promoting internet freedom.