Digital Rights and Inclusion Forum (DRIF) is a three-day, community-driven, annual convening where digital rights defenders promoting internet freedom in Africa meet to share experiences, learn, research outcomes, and collaborate to advance internet freedom on the continent and beyond. Hosted by Paradigm Initiative, DRIF provides a platform for communities of practice around digital security, privacy, internet shutdowns, and more to collaborate and share knowledge.

The theme of the 2024 event was “Fostering Rights and Inclusion in the Digital Age,” and took a holistic approach based on the understanding that digital rights cannot be enjoyed or realized by just focusing on digital security. So in addition to digital security, the other major tracks of the event focused on digital rights and digital inclusion. More than 560 attendees from media, civil society, and academia attended the April 2024 iteration. 

OTF supported a Digital Security Clinic (DSC) at the event for media practitioners, human rights defenders, and civil society actors from repressive contexts across Africa and the Global South. The DSC consisted of three workshops, three panel sessions, and seven help desks, which introduced 323 participants to secure communication tools and other forms of privacy and security technology. The help desks provided practical skills to stay safe online.

OTF also supported a DSC at DRIF 2023.