Technology Projects Director, Electronic Frontier Foundation

Peter Eckersley is Technology Projects Director for the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

He keeps his eyes peeled for technologies that, by accident or design, pose a risk to computer users’ freedoms—and then looks for ways to fix them. He explains gadgets to lawyers, and lawyers to gadgets. Peter’s work at EFF has included privacy and security projects such as Panopticlick, HTTPS Everywhere, SSDI, and the SSL Observatory; helping to launch a movement for open wireless networks; fighting to keep modern computing platforms open; and running the first controlled tests to confirm that Comcast was using forged reset packets to interfere with P2P protocols.

Peter holds a PhD in computer science and law from the University of Melbourne; his research focused on the practicality and desirability of using alternative compensation systems to legalize P2P file sharing and similar distribution tools while still paying authors and artists for their work.