Over the last several weeks, OTF has been working with Simply Secure to improve and simplify the application to the Internet Freedom Fund. Thanks to valuable feedback from the community, we are excited to announce that the new application for the Internet Freedom Fund is live for the current round which closes on July 1st, 2020!
As this is the first live test, please reach out to Fiona Krakenbürger ([email protected]), who is leading this round, if you have any questions or feedback about the new questions or about any parts of the application. There is supporting information available in the OTF Guidebook (https://guide.opentech.fund/our-funds-and-fellowships/internet-freedom-fund/concept-note-guidelines), but we’re also available to answer any questions that come up as you work with the new concept note form.
Overview of the key changes, improvements and bug fixes:
- Questions that felt repetitive or unnecessarily split have been combined.
- There are fewer questions overall.
- We are asking you to identify an estimated budget range, rather than a specific amount at the concept note stage.
- You can now copy the questions to the clipboard to work in your document editor of choice (even if you’ve already started on the form, your responses will come with you)!
We are looking forward to seeing your concept notes!
The OTF Team