Announcement of Funding Opportunities

Tue, 2016-08-23 20:52

Please find below several upcoming internet freedom-relevant funding application deadlines. There are two sections, one for OTF support and the second for all alternative support mechanisms. Note that some of the listed application windows close in just a few days.

If you have any questions on the information below, please feel free to give a shout to us at OTF anytime. Thanks!


  • OTF – Internet Freedom Fund Deadline: 2016-09-01 The Internet Freedom Fund is OTF’s primary way to support projects and people working on open and accessible technology-centric projects that promote human rights, internet freedom, open societies, and help advance inclusive and safe access to global communications networks. Successful applicants are awarded monetary support up to $900,000 and no less than $10,000, with preference given to those projects and people who are new to the internet freedom community, helping those living within repressive environments, and are requesting less than $300,000 for a duration of less than 12 months.


  • OTF – Core Infrastructure Fund Deadline: 2016-09-01 The Core Infrastructure Fund supports building blocks of digital security and circumvention projects. This may include efforts focused on sustaining or improving PGP, SSL, SSH, Tor, OTR, pluggable transports, code libraries, and other technologies used within the core building blocks of everyday Internet Freedom technology used by people throughout the world to increase their access, privacy, and security online.


  • OTF – Rapid Response Fund Deadline: Ongoing The Rapid Response Fund is part of a broader OTF initiative which aims to facilitate the development of a strong digital emergency response community that can work together to resolve threats in a timely and comprehensive manner. OTF offers both direct financial support as well as technical services from trusted partners to resolve digital emergencies experienced by high-risk Internet users and organizations, such as bloggers, cyber activists, journalists. and human rights defenders.



  • State Department DRL – Anti-Censorship Technology Deadline: Friday, August 26, 2016 at 11:30pm EDT “The U.S. Department of State Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (DRL) announces an open competition for organizations interested in submitting applications for long-term, core support for proven anti-censorship technologies. In support of the U.S. International Strategy for Cyberspace, DRL’s goal is to promote fundamental freedoms, human rights, and the free flow of information online by supporting civil society actors to achieve open, reliable, secure access to the global Internet through support for anti-censorship technologies. DRL invites organizations interested in potential funding to submit proposals outlining program concepts that reflect this goal.”


  • Euro-Mediterranean Foundation of Support to Human Rights Defenders (EMHRF) – ‘Standard Interventions’ Deadline: August 28, 2016 EMHRF provides support to “small human rights organizations, groups and defenders…in order to enable them to create structures or implement innovative activities effectively in the region.” Themes prioritized by EMHRF include “economic, social and cultural rights”, “empowerment of women”, and “protection of minorities and refugees”.


  • State Department DRL – Censorship Research Deadline: Thursday, September 22, 2016 at 11:30pm EDT State DRL is also looking to support “collaborative research efforts to provide real-time measurement of online censorship globally. In support of the U.S. International Strategy for Cyberspace, DRL’s goal is to promote fundamental freedoms, human rights, and the free flow of information online by supporting civil society to research online censorship and Internet freedom. DRL invites organizations interested in potential funding to submit proposals outlining program concepts that reflect this goal.”


  • NLNet Foundation – Network and Internet Technology Deadline: October 1st, 2016 “Do you have a valuable idea in the area of the network and Internet technology, and are you looking for financial means to make your ideas come through? Or do you have an existing project that requires additional means to enable further development? Then submit your proposal to NLnet foundation before the next following deadline and see if we can help you.”


  • National Science Foundation (NSF) – Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) Upcoming windows: October 12 – October 19 and November 02 – November 16, 2016
    “The SaTC program welcomes proposals that address cybersecurity and privacy, and draw on expertise in one or more of these areas: computing, communication and information sciences; engineering; economics; education; mathematics; statistics; and social and behavioral sciences. Proposals that advance the field of cybersecurity and privacy within a single discipline or interdisciplinary efforts that span multiple disciplines are both encouraged.”


In addition to the open application windows listed above, you can always check our compiled list of alternative sources of support: