This week, OTF began connecting OTF projects with multiple well placed law clinics who provide free legal assistance. We’ve partnered with the UC-Hastings Startup Legal Garage, the Brooklyn Law Incubator & Policy Clinic and Harvard Law’s Cyberlaw Clinic. Each of these programs has expertise in assisting early stage startups with a variety of legal issues. These include activities like incorporation, terms of service and privacy policies.
The goal of this resource is to provide projects with help on the variety of legal issues faced. This includes those unique to Internet freedom efforts such as export control restrictions or law enforcement requests. As this resource continues to develop, we intend to offer it to the larger Internet freedom community and bring on additional partners who can help increase the scope and range of legal coverage.
OTF will continue to identify means to find ways to limit projects external costs and allow them to to focus on solving the many challenging problems facing global Internet users.