We support technical solutions that ensure secure access to the free and open internet for people facing repressive censorship & surveillance.

Our Funds and Fellowship support individuals and organizations with technology-focused projects to empower and protect people subject to digital authoritarianism.
Internet Freedom Fund
Have an idea for an innovative technology or research project that helps people facing repressive censorship and/or surveillance?
Rapid Response Fund
Facing a clear, time-sensitive, state-sponsored digital emergency and need short-term, urgent digital security support?
Surge and Sustain Fund
Need support for user costs for your large-scale, open source VPN or anti-censorship tool that works in repressive information contexts?
FOSS Sustainability Fund
Need maintenance support for your established, free, and open source software project?
Information Controls Fellowship Program
Interested in researching the technical orchestration of repressive information controls and methods to combat it?

OTF has supported 450+ projects to date.
Our Resource Labs offer services that contribute to the adoption, security, and socialization of technology-focused internet freedom projects.
Localization Lab
Need to translate and/or localize your project for a specific community?
Security Lab
Need an expert security audit to ensure your technology is as secure as possible?

Our Labs provide critical services to technology-focused internet freedom projects, such as usability and security audits, and communications support.
User Experience & Discovery Lab
Want to understand user needs and improve your tool’s usability & accessibility?
Impact & Engagement Lab
Want help explaining your project and connecting with users and audiences?
people worldwide use OTF-supported technologies to safely access the uncensored internet
applications for support received and reviewed
countries where OTF supports censorship measurement and monitoring efforts
security audits supported, resulting in over 2,000 security patches